I've been mulling over this idea much of late, and I've come to the conclusion that there is an argument to be made that leftism (or progressivism, as it is now wont to call itself) has genocidal implications for Christian, European peoples (or white people, as they are generally known). Bold words, I know, but if you will be so kind as to bear with me through the rest of this essay you will hopefully see that it is not an entirely preposterous proposition.
I was reading up on international law the other day, and while I would like to say I was doing so as part of my enduring quest for polymathy, I was in truth trying to settle a bet. But I digress. Anyway, I found myself struck by the wording of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, the U.N. document that first addressed the crime and contains the definition thereof that is the accepted international standard. The document defines genocide as:
...any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial, or religious group, as such:The word genocide generally brings to mind images of uniformed thugs herding screaming women and children into death camps, but it is evident from this document there is more than one way to eradicate a people. Obviously leftism was not devised specifically as a means to exterminate all white people, but radicals from Rousseau onwards have been quite open about their desires to destroy traditional, Western civilization - its religion, social hierarchy, values, and morals - and the marxist intellectuals of the Frankfurt School largely responsible for the simmering cesspit of broken minds and befouled souls that is contemporary society were no different. However, as is clear by examining the effects of
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
New York City, Easter '56, before cultural marxists ruined it. |
The genocidal consequences of leftism are perhaps most evident in its effects on sexual mores and morality. "Measures intended to prevent births within the group" is about as accurate a description of the sexual revolution and feminism as one can find. In an concerted effort to destroy the traditional family unit, feminism encouraged women to turn their backs on motherhood, and the sexual revolution, followed soon after by legalized abortion, gave them the ability to do so.
Whilst Planned Parenthood was actually founded to facilitate the genocide of black people, pre-natal infanticide is an option available to whomever wishes it. Then of course there are the effects of the toleration of sexual deviancy - how many families haven't been created, how many children haven't been born, so individuals can pursue homosexual lifestyles? One might even argue the case that the promotion of transgenderism amounts to causing serious bodily and mental harm to members of the group. The devastating effects of these changes in socio-sexual mores is undeniable: fewer Europeans and people of European descent are having children, and those that are wait longer to do so and have fewer than in previous generations. This is not the case in most of the rest of the world. Simply put, white people are an ever-dwindling minority in the global population.
Which brings me to exhibit B: mass immigration and multiculturalism. The cultural marxists knew that a fast and effective way to undermine Western values was to fill the West with people who didn't share them. Unfortunately, combined with the effects of liberalism on population growth described above, the influx of non-Europeans, most of whom are from countries uninfected by cultural marxism, into European lands over the last six or so decades (an influx that has now reached The Camp of the Saints levels) might ensure the disappearance of more than just European people's traditional culture.
Scenes straight from the pages of The Camp of the Saints. |
Through multiculturalism, and its cousin political correctness, leftism could make that disappearance of Europeans themselves inevitable. It is painfully obvious to anyone with a fraction of a brain and the willingness to pay attention that multiculturalism, despite presenting itself as a celebration of diversity (you know, that wonderful ideal that brought Europe rape gangs and terror attacks), is in practice only the exaltation of all things non-Christian and non-European, and the denigration of anything to do with traditional, Western civilization and its people.
Much like when Native American children were forced into U.S. schools that Americanized them and taught them to hate their native culture, children of European descent in America today (and European children in Europe for that matter) are sent to schools and universities where they are taught to hate their own heritage. Christianity, presented as outdated and oppressive, if not outright evil, is routinely mocked and attacked. European history is one of imperialism, colonialism, and white wealth built on the backs of brown sweat. While unlike the Native American children, these kids may not have been forcibly transferred from group to another, the end results are the exact same: a generation severed entirely from, and hostile to, its roots.
Politically correct orthodoxy says the left image is "art", whilst the right image is offensive and provocative. |
And it is multiculturalism that has the potential to result in actual genocide, as it is only Europeans who are, in this day and age, forbidden from showing any sort of cultural or racial solidarity or pride. All other groups - blacks, Jews, Muslims, Asians, Hispanics, etc - are encouraged to think, speak, and act in terms of racial and cultural solidarity. Whilst leftist intellectuals sought to undermine traditional western civilization, thanks to the devastating effectiveness of cultural marxism and ever increasing racial demagoguery, the average radical drone on the street is incapable of distinguishing between the civilization and the people who built it.
The evidence for this is overwhelming: from professors describing white men as a "problem population", to student organizations across the States and in the UK creating "safe spaces" for non-white students, and deranged, crazy-eyed students so brain dead they actually believe that only whites are capable of being racist. But that's really just the effect on the relatively educated and affluent; where the uneducated and poor are concerned, this climate results in actual violence against white people. In the last two weeks alone there were two brutal reminders (here and here) of the epidemic of black-on-white racial violence that I have mentioned from time to time, and is increasingly looking like a common feature of 21st century American life.
Gov. George Wallace standing up for black students' right to safe spaces |
When the real-world effects of the various planks of the progressive platform are examined together, the potentially genocidal implications of leftism become clear. While perhaps not its explicit intent, Leftism deliberately created social, political, and demographic conditions for Christian, European people that have resulted in almost every act that the U.N. defines as genocide if done intentionally, conditions that if left unchecked will inevitably result in white, Christian Europeans vanishing as a unique and identifiable part of the human family.
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