Sunday, June 14, 2015

New Name, New Website: The Traditionalist Mind

Dispatches From the Wasteland is changing its name to The Traditionalist Mind and moving to a new web address: Please go there for all past and future entries. Thanks for reading! 

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Whitewash? Hogwash...

Cameron Crowe has caused a stir amongst the politically-correct crowd by casting Emma Stone in a role portraying a character of part Hawaiian, Chinese, and Swedish descent. Evidently "Asians and non-Asians alike asked why they didn't pick an Asian actress to play a character who is part-Asian". Once again we see the multiculturalists' real-world accuracy for me, not for thee attitude when it comes to the portrayal of race in popular culture.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

The Emperor's New Clothes, Hair, Makeup, and Breasts

The cover of the next issue of Vanity Fair features Bruce Jenner, post- "facial-feminization" surgery, wearing women's clothes, and insisting we now call him Caitlyn. Predictably, upon being greeted with this news, the brainwashed masses online reacted as if Mr. Jenner had just descended from the heavens in a burst of rainbows, mounted on a winged unicorn, and soared down to earth just in time to rescue five hundred orphaned ethnic children and as many puppies from a burning building.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Is the SNP a Jacobite Party?

Even a stopped clock is correct twice a day. It appears some SNP MPs turned up to the Queen’s Speech sporting the White Rose of York, long a Jacobite symbol. I suppose it’s possible they could just be showing their support for God’s Country, but it seems more likely they are indeed making a cheeky reference to the Scottish Stuarts. Whilst I doubt the restoration of the Stuart monarchy is truly high on the list of the SNP’s priorities, my inner High Tory was very pleased to see a nod, however slight, to the legitimate Royal family.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The Pill Causes Women's Brains to Shrink, Study Says

A recently-published article in the Human Brain Mapping journal suggests that the pill, that pernicious pharmaceutical Jacobin, may actually shrink women's brains. Specifically, the study found that the use of oral contraceptives "was associated with significantly lower cortical thickness measurements in the lateral orbitofrontal cortex and the posterior cingulate cortex".

For those of you, like yours truly, so unwise in the ways of science, the lateral orbitofronal cortex and posterior cingulate cortex are areas of the brain "believed to be important for responding to rewards and evaluating internal states/incoming stimuli, respectively."

While more research is clearly needed, a link between the use of oral contraceptives and decreased mental capacity would certainly help explain the alarming popularity of feminism and similarly destructive ideologies amongst Western women today.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The Genocidal Implications of Modern Leftism

Eye-catching title, no? Good, glad I have your attention, though if you are some kind of trans-POC/rainbow-kin social-justice-type that somehow managed to stumble upon this page, I suggest you stop reading now and click 'back', lest ye experience some serious triggering.

I've been mulling over this idea much of late, and I've come to the conclusion that there is an argument to be made that leftism (or progressivism, as it is now wont to call itself) has genocidal implications for Christian, European peoples (or white people, as they are generally known). Bold words, I know, but if you will be so kind as to bear with me through the rest of this essay you will hopefully see that it is not an entirely preposterous proposition.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Baying for Blood: Liberal Outrage and the Internet

You may have read the rumours surrounding writer and director, and all around Nerd Overlord, Joss Whedon's departure from Twitter. Though likely coincidental, Whedon's exit occurred in the midst of some pretty disturbing vitriol from some incredibly upset SJWs over his apparent sexism (and, more bizarrely, racism). That anyone could accuse Joss Whedon, a man whose work consistently reveals nothing short of an obsession with strong, independent women, of being sexist is quite remarkable, but then again a Progressive mind and a strong attachment to reality have ne'er made particularly good bedfellows.